We are Maria del rosario Gomez and Maria Paula Bohorquez and we are in second semester of International business at Sabana University.

27 mar 2008


Work is a big part of the Aztec society family; the father always has to travel to respond with the responsibilities of the house.

Mainly, The Aztecs based their work in two important economic activities: the agriculture and commerce.

Generally, they are dedicated to the construction of floating orchards, the chinampas (island that they form and is very fertile), and facts with canes, branches, clay and slime. The livestock is poor. Besides, they used the “water birds” and the fish like economic activity, these are an important resource.

In the market, they practiced the commerce supported by the exchange. The things more used were seeds of cocoa, the price varied according to the quality.

Work hierarchy

The economy structure is divided in three classes.

1. Nobles: The highest class and power

2. Commoners: The population people, most of them farmers.

3. Slaves: Poor people that are captured by nobles for work their land.

By Maria del Rosario Gomez

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