Inside the Egyptian conformation thousands of years before, it is possible to see that this type of life has a lot of similarities between our form of life.
There were all jobs that Ancient Egyptians could choose from. For most of the high-class jobs, you needed to have a scribal school education. Unfortunately, most people never went to school, so most Egyptians became farmers.
Nevertheless every person, the baker, the scribe, the priest, the noblemen, the soldiers, the farmers, has his or her own place in the society without mattering that there were no so many possibilities of study each one survived and made his or her best to live a great life.
Every person inside this culture like ours tape-worm an important role in the society Where his or her work performed supreme importance, every person tape-worm a duty or obligation that he or she should to expire, It is like our epoch every person has diverse possibilities of going out forward some with more luck that other persons but each one with his/her work starts forming role in the society doing what each one knows and what the life gave to him/her the opportunity to develop. Maybe the only point of comparison of before and today contemporary it is the wayin which it is governed, nowadays a king does not exist or sovereignty that gives the orders , or govern people giving him or her rights than other person did not has, now exists someone that the society governs and supports in order but in an equal this way to the same human level that each person.
In conclusion the work is really important in the life because if the people didn’t work they wouldn’t survive, you can notice that its true until now but you have to know that the most important thing in the world is the good education because if you don’t have it you never found a good job.
By Maria Paula Bohorquez
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