We are Maria del rosario Gomez and Maria Paula Bohorquez and we are in second semester of International business at Sabana University.

1 may 2008


Differences and similarities between trade and industry in Aztec an Egyptian civilization is the principal topic in this essay. The similiraties are few, but differences a lot. Both civilizations were excellent in his area.

The differences about trade and industry between the Aztecs and Egyptians are a lot. The people at Aztec Industries are true specialists in the field of Rural Water Treatment. For over 20 years now, they have been designing and installing state-of-the-art water purification systems, for farms and acreages. While the ancient Egyptians engaged in trade with their foreign neighbors obtain rare, exotic goods not found in Egypt. In the Predynastic Period, they established trade with Nubia to obtain gold and incense. They also established trade with Palestine, as evidenced by Palestinian-style oil jugs found in the burials of the First Dynasty pharaohs. By the Second Dynasty, the ancient Egyptians had established trade with Bylos, a critical source of quality timber not found in Egypt. In the Fifth Dynasty, trade was established with the Land of Punt, which provided gold, aromatic resins, ebony, ivory, and wild animals such as monkeys and baboons.

Finally, Aztecs and Egyptian consider that trade and industry is base of development economy of his civilization and for this today people can say that this civilization were success.

By Maria del Rosario Gómez


In our life the inventions are a special part for the evolution of the humanity, because this gives the possibility to development of new technology that permit the life more essay.

Both civilizations had people created new things to development of his society. There are many differences between Aztec and Egyptians civilization. The empire of the Aztecs introduced many things to the world. But they weren't so much unique innovations as they were things they took from the peoples that they had conquered - things that had been around for hundreds even thousands of years. When the Aztecs met the Spanish, the two cultures introduced a lot to each other. In this new era, the peoples of Mexico were introduced to things like onions and horses, and the Europeans were introduced to well, that's what we're going to talk about. When most people think of Ancient Egypt, the first things that come to mind are pyramids, pharohs, mummies, and curses. Given that the Egyptians gave to us the wonderous pyramids, it should come as no surprise that they also had a number of inventions that were no small feats.

To conclude, the inventions of the two civilization serve as legacy and change the way the world lived and in other cases, they were merely the forerunner to the technologies we enjoy today.

By María del Rosario Gómez


For many years, civilizations and cultures has had a special interest know about heroes. Over time this people are special, have been recognized because they were divided in many groups and always they made a lot things for your culture.

Aztec and Egyptian civilization are not exception. Both have different heroes, but the two have people or heroes did things for his society.

Popocatepetl is the most important heroe in the Aztec civilization. He was a legendary warrior who loved Iztaccihuatl. Popocatepetl became the volcano Popocatepetl, raining on Earth in blind rage at the loss of his beloved. For this, he is very special and recognized for the Aztecs. However, Popocatepetl is different to the other people and to other heroes, because when he died created a volcano that after named Popocatepetl. The Egyptian has three heroes, the Pharaoh and Priest are the primary heroes in, and Son of Osiris is the third hero. Egyptian though the Pharaoh has the ability to heal units, everything revolves around Pharaoh and the Priest. The heroes of the different cultures are different because one of them was a legendary warrior and the others were considered gods. Also heroes were very different in terms of their purpose because Popocatepetl was not recovering and the others doing it.

Finally we can conclude that theses heroes have been a special and admirable people they made a lot of things to the society, they contributed to the history mythology.

By Maria del Rosario Gómez


Work is a big and very important part in Aztec and Egyptian civilization. This part of the society has a relevant importance for the both civilization, because work is a factor that influences positively in an economy.

The similarities between both civilizations are few, although the two consider that the work is a support for the families, this give social and economy stability for them.

The differences are many, for the Aztecs, work is the base of the family; the father always has to travel to respond with the responsibilities of the house. Mainly, the Aztecs based their work in two important economic activities: the agriculture and commerce. Generally, they are dedicated to the construction of floating orchards, the chinampas (island that they form and is very fertile), and facts with canes, branches, clay and slime. The livestock is poor. Besides, they used the “water birds” and the fish like economic activity, these are an important resource. In the market, they practiced the commerce supported by the exchange. The things more used were seeds of cocoa, the price varied according to the quality. In Egyptian civilization, work responds to needs to people. This is support by the work of slaves, peasants and artisans, also it was flexible and the Egyptian considers the work is a scenario relevant for of success in the society.

In conclusion, both cultures think that work is significant for the development of the civilization, besides work Aztecs and Egyptian can survive with him.

By Maria del Rosario Gómez


All the cultures need any type of entertainment for the free time; the Aztecs and the Egypt are not the exception. Their imagination is necessary for design any kind of sport or entertainment, the Aztecs have their games like tlachtli and patolli, and on the other hand, the Egyptians have also their two games called Senet and mehen.

Music and dance were popular entertainments for those who could afford them. Instruments like bells, cymbals, tambourines, and drums are played by the Egyptians. The sistrum was a rattle-like musical instrument that was especially important in religious ceremonies. On the other side, Aztec people did design some magnificent percussion instruments and wind instruments. Flutes were also popular in Aztec music; they design the Chichitli whistle flute and the Cocoloctli, which was a flute that made a special buzzing sound. The Aztec and the Egyptian people, dance in celebrations for pleased the gods, their dances were like plays, they would describe something from the past or act out scenes about their gods. Also, both civilization have their own games, the Aztecs had two different games- tlachtli and patolli. The first one, Tlachtli was a ball game that was played between teams using rubber balls, it is consist that one person on each team would have to shoot the ball into a vertical hoop high over their heads with their knees without using their hands and the team which made the first basket won the game. The second one, patolli was a gambling game that was played with pebbles and dry beans. And for the Egyptians the games are also an important complement for their lives; some of the games that they play were called Senet, a board game where pieces moved according to random chance, another similar game was mehen, which had a circular gaming board.

For Aztecs, the poetry was an important aspect of their culture. In fact, the poetry is the highest art form in the culture and is necessary in all the rituals. For the Egyptians was not important this art. Another difference between Egypt and Aztecs is the passion for the soccer, Egypt culture love this sport and is the national sport. Some Egyptian Soccer clubs are El Ahly and El Zamalek is the two most popular teams. Squash and tennis are other popular sports in Egypt. The Aztecs don do these types of sports.

In conclusion, both cultures show a high level of imagination by their games, that these games has contributed in many ways in fields like music and games in our world today. The basketball is a clear example of that.

By Maria Paula Bohorquez


In whatever culture, must exists any type of ritual and customs, the ritual of Aztecs culture is the human sacrifice, which is very particular and very recognized around the world. Also, the Egyptian culture has a ritual which is called mummification; this technique has been used for many decades ago and for a long time.

Both civilizations have their own rituals, obviously very different to each other, but both believe in many gods and for show respect to them wearing a specific type of clothes and use a particular jewelry or tattoos, whatever each culture use.

Rituals for Aztecs are the main action and the main characteristic that they represent, their ritual is the well known “human sacrifice”. It consists in that the victim is painted and it is would be placed on a slab where their heart would be removed and held up to the sun. Later, the body would be thrown down the stairs of the temple; Tattoos also played an important role in the Aztec culture, these were used in rituals. As a part of these rituals, a priest would use a pointed stone to draw symbols on the stomach, chest, and wrist of children. In the Aztec culture, these symbols were intended to show the children’s devotion to the god. Each Aztec tattoo design was specifically chosen for its symbolism or relation to a god. However, the Egyptian does not use that technique and their rituals are very different than the Aztecs ones. Their ritual consist in mummification, the priest is the guide of the daily rituals of clothing, feeding and putting to bed the sculpted images that represented the deities to whom the temples were dedicated. The priests shaved their heads and body hair, and washed their bodies twice daily as a ritual act of purification. They wore gowns or kilts of pure white linen. Also, the higher priest must to learn various duties, such as studying and writing hieroglyph texts.

By Maria Paula Bohorquez


The Aztecs and the Egyptian cultures have their own believes and their own traditions. One of them believes in the life after the death and the other in a huge debt for the gods. Their amazing architecture, weird language and also their different ways to live.

The common aspects between Egyptian and Aztecs are few, one of them is both cultures believe that if they used any object are protected by gods. For example, the Egyptian used jewelry and the Aztecs use different types of tribal tattoos. The architecture of ancient Egypt and the Aztecs are very admired by people around the world like the Great Pyramids of Giza
and the temples at Thebes by Egyptian people and the Sacrificial Temple, the Shrines of the gods, and the Emperor’s Palace by Aztecs all of them with commemorative purposes.

differences in their costumes or their traditions are many. The Aztec language is called Nahuatl, but their Pictographs were used to represent their written language is very representative. The Egyptian language is a northern Afro-Asiatic language and obviously the oldest and popular writing system, called the native hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic scripts. The Egyptian is excessively clean their appearance is always perfect. Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness, and aromatic perfumes and ointments covered bad odors and soothed skin. In other way, the Aztecs are also clean but not in exceed. Clothing was made from linen sheets that were bleached white, and both men and women of the upper classes wore wigs, jewelry, and cosmetics; the Aztecs do not use make up or any type of jewelry. The Egyptian child has to be circumcised at about age 12, this action do not have relevance in the Aztec culture. A huge difference between these cultures is the fact that the Egyptian people believe in immortality after death, so, their costumes consist in preserving the body by mummification, which consist in removing the internal organs, especially the brain through the nose, and desiccating the body in a mixture of salts called natron. Then the body is wrapped in linen with protective amulets inserted between layers and placed in a decorated anthropoid coffin. This technique took 70 days. On the other hand, we have a Aztecs culture who their main tradition is the human sacrifice, people believe that they have a debt of blood to the gods, so, for that reason, the people offers their blood to the gods. They sacrifice human beings and animals with the goal to pay the endless debt and avert disaster in the future.

These civilizations have provided many things to our world today, their imagination and their architecture are a memorable proves that cultures like that have contributed and are an image to fallow.

By Mária Paula Bohórquez

1 abr 2008


Inside the Egyptian conformation thousands of years before, it is possible to see that this type of life has a lot of similarities between our form of life.

There were all jobs that Ancient Egyptians could choose from. For most of the high-class jobs, you needed to have a scribal school education. Unfortunately, most people never went to school, so most Egyptians became farmers.

Nevertheless every person, the baker, the scribe, the priest, the noblemen, the soldiers, the farmers, has his or her own place in the society without mattering that there were no so many possibilities of study each one survived and made his or her best to live a great life.

Every person inside this culture like ours tape-worm an important role in the society Where his or her work performed supreme importance, every person tape-worm a duty or obligation that he or she should to expire, It is like our epoch every person has diverse possibilities of going out forward some with more luck that other persons but each one with his/her work starts forming role in the society doing what each one knows and what the life gave to him/her the opportunity to develop. Maybe the only point of comparison of before and today contemporary it is the wayin which it is governed, nowadays a king does not exist or sovereignty that gives the orders , or govern people giving him or her rights than other person did not has, now exists someone that the society governs and supports in order but in an equal this way to the same human level that each person.

In conclusion the work is really important in the life because if the people didn’t work they wouldn’t survive, you can notice that its true until now but you have to know that the most important thing in the world is the good education because if you don’t have it you never found a good job.

By Maria Paula Bohorquez

27 mar 2008


Work is a big part of the Aztec society family; the father always has to travel to respond with the responsibilities of the house.

Mainly, The Aztecs based their work in two important economic activities: the agriculture and commerce.

Generally, they are dedicated to the construction of floating orchards, the chinampas (island that they form and is very fertile), and facts with canes, branches, clay and slime. The livestock is poor. Besides, they used the “water birds” and the fish like economic activity, these are an important resource.

In the market, they practiced the commerce supported by the exchange. The things more used were seeds of cocoa, the price varied according to the quality.

Work hierarchy

The economy structure is divided in three classes.

1. Nobles: The highest class and power

2. Commoners: The population people, most of them farmers.

3. Slaves: Poor people that are captured by nobles for work their land.

By Maria del Rosario Gomez


The family in different ways has importance; the underage marriages are the path to be independent, the member’s roles and their diverse tasks are a component that defines and the interaction between each role can get the success of the community and the society.

Women in Aztec civilization were involved in household tasks. Adultery is a crime and death is the punishment. Divorce is allowed if is presented by the man and the woman, the property have to be divided equally. At the same time, the Egyptian women could earn wages, own property and employ workers, but their main role was with the family, the family is the most significant unit of Egyptian society. The woman was called "mistress of the house" and also, they were considered equal with men and could take legal action for damages and divorce. In both cultures the man is who control the family, the preferred and also each one of them may have more than one wife. A son's birth was an occasion to celebrate, whereas the birth of a daughter was not.

This sacred sacrament is arranged by the relatives. Marriage between members of Aztec culture, man cans marriage when he already has 20 years old and for the woman when she is in her mid-teens. Once the couple is marriage, the family gives to them a piece of land, where the couple has to work there and consider their own home and is considering already like a family. In the other hand, marriage in Egypt culture is also an important goal but just if they are able to ensure the continuity of the family. For an Egyptian male the perfect bride was the daughter of his father's brother so, marriage between relatives was very common. The couple was not considered like a family until they produced their first child.

In conclusion, both of the cultures are similar and really interesting besides their differences, the Egyptians and the Aztecs saw the marriage like an action that marks the entrance into adulthood and independence society. Also we can see, that the family in both cultures are the main component in their life, is pretty important and the protection to them is an obligation.

By Mária Paula Bohórquez

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